When did you last clap?
How many of us remember when did we last clap? Yes, Clap. A simple action requiring both of your palms hitting against each other creating a sound. It could be at your friend’s impromptu birthday eve’s celebration, felicitating your team’s win after a gut-wrenching close finish at the local football tournament or your uncle nervous preparing himself to stand in front of a crowd of 100s & presenting a heartwarming toast at his son’s wedding. These moments are sometimes so precious & sensitive that we miss the common action taken at the end of it. A feeling which should evolve based on emotion. Lately, it seems more of an imposed one. The mind sends an environment based-trigger alerting everyone as if it has been programmed to.
The History
If we look back in time, it’s almost uncertain on when this custom was adopted. Though it is very much evident in many human cultures. Presumably first seen at the Roman public performances where people would clap or snap fingers to show approval. This approval could be a simple praise or the highest forms of ovation by means of applause. The French theatres & opera houses organized a group of professional applauders to show the immense approval of their performances. Also, Churches adopted it in the form of Gospel music where rhythms of music were sung along clapping of hands or foot stomping.
Now, you must be wondering why are we discussing a Hand Clap? Well, a clap is a solitary action which could lift up not only your spirit but the people surrounding you too. A feeling which resonates with deep vibrations & could affect one’s soul. It is like snapping fingers or thumping your chest but not as infectious.
Imagine this.
You are busy working at your desk with team discussions, peer debates & coffee breaks. The HR team pays a surprise visit informing that they are about to announce the monthly performance awards. You are filled with anxiety as this wasn’t an expected event drawing your complete attention. They speak about this potential candidate, his/ her past performances & team relations while keeping everyone on their toes. You are filled with anxiety not knowing what would happen.
Finally, she starts revealing
Do we have any guesses...
Your vision blurs, your heart stops, the unexpected surprise gives a deep cringe that it could be YOU!
Congratulations John, for the Monthly Spot Award
Everyone starts clapping conversing into a small applause. You come back to reality knowing that the new Quality Analyst has won the award joining your peers in the applause. This group action completely takes off the anxiety & makes you calm, irrespective of the winner.
Another common instance
All long-distance runners who have a race experience meet volunteers/ spectators applauding them as they sprint towards the finish line which acts as a great boost for those hammered in their last race moments. I admit this is a great feeling but there is one aspect to this similar scenario without all the big event spectacle.
It is your 5 miles slow practice run on a Tuesday morning. You are on the track field 6 am bending & stretching to loosen up your body. The watch is ready & off you go. Everyone is running at their own speed. You are slow that day not at your best. Crossing mile 4, your body doesn’t seem to respond as it usually does. A stomach cramps kicks in to pull you in deep pain as you hold the right rib area. As you keep moving, a fellow runner coming in full speed sees you in pain. He realizes & rushes in full glee waving a hand towards you. You look at him trying to act brave yet your body posture can’t fake it.
As you both cross paths, he claps you on cheering
Good going, excellent… a mile left
You are aware realizing that the hard part is over & you’ve almost made it. You are energized now striding big leaps in full determination come what may, I would finish today’s run.
Why Clap
It would be very common that you have not clapped for quite some time. We could blame it on our sedentary lifestyle, our limited interactions with people on a general basis or disdain from social gatherings. Even so, it would be either half-hearted or an act of peer pressure. Remember your last lunch at a restaurant playing live music. The musician sings his heart out for the past 2 hrs only to hear a clap or two in a crowd of 50.
A clap can generate positive energy & spread it, like an infectious disease. Commonly used by many independent successful philanthropists or life coaches who apply it on themselves & transfer to other people.
This underestimated action works well if used effectively. It could be a great lifestyle change than a forceful praise. From a medical perspective, it helps in your blood circulation opening up any blockages. There have been studies that it helps in improved vision & also increases brain power. Most of all, it helps to calm your mind like any other cardio.
I'm not suggesting to practice 1000 claps a day. It's just that there are numerous praise-worthy moments happening around you.