Learning or Rational Learning

Haresh Punjabi
4 min readJun 1, 2016


Learning, studying or to gain knowledge is the art of acquiring something new, modifying or re-enforcing existing knowledge. It may occur consciously or without conscious awareness. It could be done based on a set of goals or just pure motivation. It’s a part of your education which helps in your personal development. Although there isn’t a definite source of learning, Learning is infinite leaving no reason that one has learnt till a point to know all. Let me state the meaning of the word “Learning”

The acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience, or being taught.

So why are we talking about learning. A process which we have gone through over & over in our lives. We start with kindergarten where we get familiar with the culture & environment of learning along with learning alphabets, numbers, pronunciations & basic environmental awareness. Then comes primary education(school) where a child gets to know a number of subjects progressing each class at a time. This continues till college where one makes career decisions. A traditional process followed by most of us. Yet all these phases have one thing in common.

Teaching, which combines the ideas or principles taught by an authority. An authority provides a set of information tailored & crafted according to what it feels is right for the learner. It will set a time period for a knowledge set which should be learnt within that time frame to the learner’s capability. So, I ask again…

“Why are we talking about learning & teaching?”

Both learning & teaching is a give & take process where a teacher guides & tries their best to teach their students. It depends whether the student is interested. Even if he is, how does one student or in our case… a learner validates the knowledge given. The very knowledge he has very little idea about:-

  1. Whether has he received complete education about the topic.
  2. Whether some information is misaligned with the topic
  3. Wrong interpretation about a subject

These points are very much misleading & anyone especially the school students will take in whatever is taught. We are trained in such a way that whatever is taught is right & must be respected be it our schooling or family. To question is to doubt their knowledge & to verify… well we can’t file an RTI against our own family. So how much important is being rational within the space of learning. Can we have a reasonable debate with our teachers crosschecking their information available elsewhere. There are many issues within our education system which are hampering our thought process. First of all, examinations burdens a child with percentage targets leaving no time to understand a topic rather than mugging it. Then there is the credibility question whether the education is truthful in its entirety.

History could mould us

History was the most boring subject during our school times. It was filled with dates, achievements, wars won & dead figures. It has a set information about a series of events that took place in the past. This is what is taught in a typical school. This is one interpretation where you have to mug up all the data & flush it out during your exams. It sounds blunt but nevertheless is the truth.

But history has the power to change our thinking, to learn cultures, & understand multiple perspectives. It shows us how a Gandhi believed in speaking the truth & followed non-violence, a Bhagat who happily welcomed death to set an example for the future generation, a Bose who promised Independence in return of blood for he felt that violence is imminent & an Ambedkar who having a series of caste based issues throughout his life believed India can never be one. Its just not the facts & figures or the names of our kings, queens, patriots, traitors & invaders but their ideology & the reasons to take decisions at that very moment.

Ancient cities like Mohenjo-Daro & Harappa had proper drainage systems, public baths, central marketplace & an underground furnace. They never had temples. Yes, in those times people prayed to the sun, moon, trees & rivers. Comparing this with the present & we have a temple/ mosque/ shrines at every corner with their respective preachers expecting devotees to do particular tasks in order to attain enlightenment. Our past has the power to mould our present & strengthen our future. It is our take when to learn & when to learn & reason.

Exams are important?

Tom is the brightest student in the class. He sits in the front desk, a teachers favorite & answers all questions within their defined paradigm. He completes his assignments, submits his practicals in time & top in the final examinations. The only problem with Tom is… He just can’t remember his teachings from the previous class. He has to go through a subject 3–4 times completing all chapters a night before the exams. He gets a good education but fails to retain knowledge. Tom is like a hamster that keeps getting up a running wheel to get his cheese. He keeps running everyday to get to the cheese never completely understanding how he easily he can devour it. So exams are important as it validates our knowledge but to truly understand & apply… well that depends on Tom.

We grow up having a teacher/ coach/ master/ guardian/ parent etc who teach us at every stage of life. Its their duty & they do with complete diligence. It is we who fail to distinguish between their duty & morality. Rise up Tom!



Haresh Punjabi
Haresh Punjabi

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