Building a Cancer-free World
Here is my latest podcast conversation on The Yoga Conversations Podcast with Samara Mahindra (CEO of Carer). This company works on treating cancer patients in a holistic manner
TLDR: Check out the entire Youtube Episode
Here is a short transcript on how they started a new program on Cancer Prevention
Haresh(host): You’ve spoken about a new programme, which I’ve started recently called cancer prevention. So what does it comprise of?
Samara: So the reason that for the longest time we’ve been asked, I mean, obviously, a lot of patients come to us and their family members say, if you’re, you know, you’ve built such a comprehensive programme for cancer patients, do you have anything for cancer prevention because we are very, very worried that we are going to get cancer.
For the longest time, we didn’t do it. Because for us, we believe that if you’re doing one thing, do, you know, do it really high skilled, high quality and get it right, you know, so we’re working with people’s lives.
So we said, that’s not really we don’t have the bandwidth to get into that right now. But in the last year, we have been working on a cancer prevention programme, we realised that we were using lifestyle therapies to treat cancer patients and help them recover.
Well to realise that you know, a large percentage of cancer cases, 90 to 95% of cancer cases is lifestyle-related, which means that if it is lifestyle-related, then there are certain things that we can teach a person to do to improve their lifestyle, and actually decrease the chances of cancer. And that’s exactly what we started building. So we started building very in-depth, cancer risk assessment, it’s a lifestyle cancer risk assessment, where we run a risk assessment with anybody. And we try to understand if they fall under the low, moderate, moderate to high or high-risk category. And then we tell them exactly what they can do using the lifestyle to bring them slower.
So till we refine this, we didn’t want to introduce this programme, but now we have refined it, and we have actually launched it and there are, you know, tonnes of people who are taking this programme. And we work with preexisting conditions. So whether it is chronic obesity, COPD, type two diabetes, hormonal imbalances, gut issues, there are certain major of pre-existing medical conditions that can lead to cancer, certain types of cancers. So we’re working a lot with those conditions, we’re working a lot with a younger population, where they’re like, okay, we, you know, we are worried about our risk of getting cancer, so they try to understand where they fall on that score or that scale.
And then we understand their lifestyle habits looking at food, body and mind. And then we tell them exactly what they can do. You know, we put them through a programme, and it does a minimum of one month, but that’s what people want lower risk category. And we tell them how to eat better what to eat, where to get the food from, what kind of exercises they should be doing, how do they manage their stress levels, again, very integrative, but again, focusing on the prevention of cancer. Now, obviously, this is not something where we can guarantee that you will not get cancer, but this is the best that we can do to keep your wrists low. So we then assess the person again after a month and see where they fall in the category and then we keep going on till they fall into you know, minimal low-risk category.
For the entire conversation with Samara on their holistic therapy, the importance of Good Gut Health and Cancer Prevention